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Aspectos del bienestar biopsicosocial en estudiantes de primer año de Educación Especial de la Pontificia Univesidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2017: una investigación mixta de diseño explicativo secuencial

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Ordenes Avalos, Fernanda Karina
dc.contributor Silva Carvajal, Anamaría Paz
dc.contributor Vera Pardo, Evelyn Ximena
dc.contributor Vogel Budge, Jorge Eduardo
dc.creator Maluenda Eyzaguirre, Valentina Javiera
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-14T12:28:31Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-14T12:28:31Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-14
Resumen dc.description <p>La investigaci&oacute;n indaga en aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos contextuales, emocionales, psicol&oacute;gicos y f&iacute;sicos del bienestar de las-os estudiantes de Educaci&oacute;n Especial generaci&oacute;n 2017 de la Pontificia Universidad Cat&oacute;lica de Valpara&iacute;so. Se entiende el bienestar como un estado de integraci&oacute;n biopsicosocial, abordado desde los paradigmas inclusivo, de derechos humanos, sist&eacute;mico y fenomenol&oacute;gico. El dise&ntilde;o metodol&oacute;gico utilizado es de car&aacute;cter mixto secuencial con &eacute;nfasis en el paradigma interpretativo, por lo que el abordaje de los fen&oacute;menos estudiados es analizado desde el contexto socio hist&oacute;rico y cultural en el que est&aacute;n enmarcados las-os sujetos y desde el relato de estas-os mismas-os rescatando la significaci&oacute;n que le brindan a los conceptos centrales a tratar: estilos de vida, empat&iacute;a, estado de &aacute;nimo, estr&eacute;s acad&eacute;mico, y a las vivencias que poseen de estos mismos. Por ello, las estrategias de la investigaci&oacute;n secuencial consistieron en cuestionarios cerrados validados al espa&ntilde;ol y grupos focales a estudiantes de la generaci&oacute;n 2017 y docentes implicados en ella. El an&aacute;lisis cuantitativo evidenci&oacute; altas cifras relacionadas a depresi&oacute;n y estr&eacute;s acad&eacute;mico, lo que fue complementado con los hallazgos cualitativos que evidencian que los principales factores estresores y de riesgo para el &aacute;nimo corresponden a los encontrados en los contextos pr&oacute;ximos, donde destaca el educativo en cuanto a pr&aacute;cticas y factores institucionales, los que de acuerdo al an&aacute;lisis mixto se encuentran relacionados de forma interdependiente con las distintas &aacute;reas abordadas, relev&aacute;ndose el estilo de vida como central en las relaciones bidireccionales con estr&eacute;s, &aacute;nimo y empat&iacute;a. Se proyecta continuidad de estudios vinculada a salud mental y bienestar y su relaci&oacute;n con enfoques de g&eacute;nero, funcionamiento ejecutivo y constructo de calidad de vida, a enfatizar el rol social y de acci&oacute;n de la Pontificia Universidad Cat&oacute;lica de Valpara&iacute;so y la carrera de Educaci&oacute;n Especial respecto al bienestar de sus estudiantes, y al empoderamiento de estas-os respecto de transformar las situaciones que las-os afectan poniendo en pr&aacute;ctica estrategias resilientes y habilidades pro sociales para ello</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>The research is focused on contextual qualitative and quantitate aspects, the emotional, psychological and physical well being of the students at the Pontificia Universidad Cat&oacute;lica de Valpara&iacute;so, Special Needs Education career of year 2017. The well being is stated in here as an integrative state from a biological, psychological and social point of view approached from an inclusive, human rights concerned, systemic and attentive to phenomenological paradigms. The methodological design used here is of a mixture kind emphasized in the interpretative paradigm, so that the approach to the investigated phenomena is analyzed from a socio historical and cultural context on which the subjects of investigation are involved into based on the story told by the same the subjects express interpreting the meaning that the same subjects give to the central concepts to be studied: life style, empathy, well being, academic stress and the different experiences that they have from the same. That is why the research strategies of the sequential investigation consisted in different secured questionnaires which were duly authenticated to Spanish and used on focus groups of students of the 2017 generation and the academic teachers involved on those students academic life. The quantitative analysis revealed a high rate in depression and academic stress on the students which duly complemented with the qualitative founding which indicate that the main reasons for students to show such an amount of both stress and risk anemic conditions are the related to their closest areas where the educative one in terms of practices and institutional factors, which according to the interrelated analysis are seen as interdependent with the different approached areas, clearly showing that the life style is the most important in the bidirectional relationships in stress, mood and empathy. A continuity in academic research on mental health and well being and their relationship with gender approach, executive capacity and the concept of quality of life to emphasize the social and action position of both the Pontificia Universidad Cat&oacute;lica de Valpara&iacute;so and the Special Needs career regarding the well being of their students. And to allow the students themselves to trust their capacity to transform aspects that affect them by practicing strategies based on the concept of resilience and social capacities to overcome any situation</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Licenciado en Educación
Resumen dc.description Profesor de Educación Diferencial con Menciones en Trastornos del Aprendizaje Específico y en Retardo Mentaltítulo
Resumen dc.description EDUCACION DIFERENCIAL
Resumen dc.description <p>La investigaci&oacute;n indaga en aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos contextuales, emocionales, psicol&oacute;gicos y f&iacute;sicos del bienestar de las-os estudiantes de Educaci&oacute;n Especial generaci&oacute;n 2017 de la Pontificia Universidad Cat&oacute;lica de Valpara&iacute;so. Se entiende el bienestar como un estado de integraci&oacute;n biopsicosocial, abordado desde los paradigmas inclusivo, de derechos humanos, sist&eacute;mico y fenomenol&oacute;gico. El dise&ntilde;o metodol&oacute;gico utilizado es de car&aacute;cter mixto secuencial con &eacute;nfasis en el paradigma interpretativo, por lo que el abordaje de los fen&oacute;menos estudiados es analizado desde el contexto socio hist&oacute;rico y cultural en el que est&aacute;n enmarcados las-os sujetos y desde el relato de estas-os mismas-os rescatando la significaci&oacute;n que le brindan a los conceptos centrales a tratar: estilos de vida, empat&iacute;a, estado de &aacute;nimo, estr&eacute;s acad&eacute;mico, y a las vivencias que poseen de estos mismos. Por ello, las estrategias de la investigaci&oacute;n secuencial consistieron en cuestionarios cerrados validados al espa&ntilde;ol y grupos focales a estudiantes de la generaci&oacute;n 2017 y docentes implicados en ella. El an&aacute;lisis cuantitativo evidenci&oacute; altas cifras relacionadas a depresi&oacute;n y estr&eacute;s acad&eacute;mico, lo que fue complementado con los hallazgos cualitativos que evidencian que los principales factores estresores y de riesgo para el &aacute;nimo corresponden a los encontrados en los contextos pr&oacute;ximos, donde destaca el educativo en cuanto a pr&aacute;cticas y factores institucionales, los que de acuerdo al an&aacute;lisis mixto se encuentran relacionados de forma interdependiente con las distintas &aacute;reas abordadas, relev&aacute;ndose el estilo de vida como central en las relaciones bidireccionales con estr&eacute;s, &aacute;nimo y empat&iacute;a. Se proyecta continuidad de estudios vinculada a salud mental y bienestar y su relaci&oacute;n con enfoques de g&eacute;nero, funcionamiento ejecutivo y constructo de calidad de vida, a enfatizar el rol social y de acci&oacute;n de la Pontificia Universidad Cat&oacute;lica de Valpara&iacute;so y la carrera de Educaci&oacute;n Especial respecto al bienestar de sus estudiantes, y al empoderamiento de estas-os respecto de transformar las situaciones que las-os afectan poniendo en pr&aacute;ctica estrategias resilientes y habilidades pro sociales para ello</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>The research is focused on contextual qualitative and quantitate aspects, the emotional, psychological and physical well being of the students at the Pontificia Universidad Cat&oacute;lica de Valpara&iacute;so, Special Needs Education career of year 2017. The well being is stated in here as an integrative state from a biological, psychological and social point of view approached from an inclusive, human rights concerned, systemic and attentive to phenomenological paradigms. The methodological design used here is of a mixture kind emphasized in the interpretative paradigm, so that the approach to the investigated phenomena is analyzed from a socio historical and cultural context on which the subjects of investigation are involved into based on the story told by the same the subjects express interpreting the meaning that the same subjects give to the central concepts to be studied: life style, empathy, well being, academic stress and the different experiences that they have from the same. That is why the research strategies of the sequential investigation consisted in different secured questionnaires which were duly authenticated to Spanish and used on focus groups of students of the 2017 generation and the academic teachers involved on those students academic life. The quantitative analysis revealed a high rate in depression and academic stress on the students which duly complemented with the qualitative founding which indicate that the main reasons for students to show such an amount of both stress and risk anemic conditions are the related to their closest areas where the educative one in terms of practices and institutional factors, which according to the interrelated analysis are seen as interdependent with the different approached areas, clearly showing that the life style is the most important in the bidirectional relationships in stress, mood and empathy. A continuity in academic research on mental health and well being and their relationship with gender approach, executive capacity and the concept of quality of life to emphasize the social and action position of both the Pontificia Universidad Cat&oacute;lica de Valpara&iacute;so and the Special Needs career regarding the well being of their students. And to allow the students themselves to trust their capacity to transform aspects that affect them by practicing strategies based on the concept of resilience and social capacities to overcome any situation</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language spa
dc.rights sin documento
Materia dc.subject BIENESTAR
Title dc.title Aspectos del bienestar biopsicosocial en estudiantes de primer año de Educación Especial de la Pontificia Univesidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2017: una investigación mixta de diseño explicativo secuencial
Tipo dc.type texto

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