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Co-crianza educativa: acompañamiento docente a la crianza familiar. Estudio de caso de la experiencia educativa en la escuelita libre y Feliz María Lefebre Lever, Villa Alemana, Chile

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Moreira Grez, Astrid
dc.contributor Núñez Quintanilla, Nadia
dc.contributor Santibáñez Romero, Mariana
dc.contributor Rojas Aravena, Carola Lourdes
dc.creator Aeschlimann Carvajal, Verenna
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-14T12:11:31Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-14T12:11:31Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-14
Resumen dc.description <p>En esta investigaci&oacute;n se busca evidenciar los principios pedag&oacute;gicos y t&eacute;cnicos que est&aacute;n a la base de c&oacute;mo se trabaja el concepto de Co-crianza educativa en la &ldquo;Escuelita Libre y Feliz, Mar&iacute;a Lefebre Lever&rdquo; ubicado en la Comuna de Villa Alemana, quien plantea el concepto de co-crianza, el cual se refiere a criar en conjunto con las familias de los educandos que asisten al establecimiento educacional. Se realiz&oacute; este trabajo con una metodolog&iacute;a cualitativa, utilizando el dise&ntilde;o de estudio de caso.</p><p>Se trabajo con las mediadoras educativas, padres y apoderados del establecimiento educacional. Como resultado se obtuvo, que por una parte, las familias implementan en conjunto con la escuela este nuevo concepto educativo, el cual se define como un v&iacute;nculo socio-afectivo y educativo que otorga seguridad a los ni&ntilde;os y sus familias y que acompa&ntilde;a a &eacute;stas en la crianza, con el fin de obtener un desarrollo integral. Exponen en su discurso que esta buena relaci&oacute;n genera una mejor educaci&oacute;n para los ni&ntilde;os, respetando los ritmos propios de aprendizajes, su cultura, creencias e historias familiares, logrando que sean aprendizajes m&aacute;s significativos. Se evidencia tambi&eacute;n, la entrega de confianza que otorgan los padres a las mediadoras educativas a cargo del grupo de p&aacute;rvulos, para la formaci&oacute;n pedag&oacute;gica y emocional de sus hijos.</p><p>Todo lo antes mencionado es desarrollado a trav&eacute;s de un trabajo en conjunto con la comunidad educativa, propiciando que sea un espacio educativo familiar, bien tratante, motivador y respetuoso, dando como resultado un mejor aprendizaje, por parte de los ni&ntilde;os, reflejado resultados de las pruebas que deben rendir al Ministerio de Educaci&oacute;n.</p><p>El tipo de metodolog&iacute;a que se ha utilizado a lo largo de la presente investigaci&oacute;n, es de car&aacute;cter cualitativo, ya que se relaciona estrechamente con el objetivo principal planteado, el de evidenciar los principios pedag&oacute;gicos que 8 est&aacute;n a la base de la co-crianza educativa en torno a la relaci&oacute;n familia y escuela del espacio educativo escogido para su an&aacute;lisis.</p><p>El estudio de caso es un instrumento de investigaci&oacute;n que tiene sus or&iacute;genes en la medicina y la psicolog&iacute;a, ampli&aacute;ndose ya al campo de la sociolog&iacute;a, ciencias sociales y educaci&oacute;n como m&eacute;todo de investigaci&oacute;n cualitativa.</p><p>Se concluye entonces que la utilizaci&oacute;n de esta nueva forma de educar desde el apego, la libertad, la felicidad y la buena relaci&oacute;n familia-escuela, da resultados positivos tanto a nivel educativo, familiar y socio-afectivo del ni&ntilde;o, generando satisfacci&oacute;n y confianza de los padres y apoderados en este centro educativo</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>In this investigation one seeks to demonstrate the pedagogic and technical beginning that are to the base of how one works the concept of educational Coupbringing in the &quot; Escuelita Libre y Feliz, Maria Lefebre Lever &quot; located in the Commune of Villa Alemana, who raises the concept of co-upbringing, which refers to producing as a whole with the families of the pupils who are present at the educational establishment. This work was realized by a qualitative methodology, using the design of study of case.</p><p>I work with the mediating educational ones, parents and proxies of the educational establishment. Since result obtained, that on one hand, the families implement as a whole with the school this new educational concept, which there is defined as a link affective and educational partner who grants safety to the children and his families and who accompanies these in the upbringing, in order to obtain an integral development. They expose in his speech that this good relation generates a better education for the children, respecting the own paces of learning&rsquo;s, his culture, beliefs and familiar histories, achieving that they are more significant learning&rsquo;s. It is demonstrated also, the confidence delivery that the parents grant to the mediating educational ones at the expense of the group of preschoolers, for the pedagogic and emotional formation of his children.</p><p>Everything before mentioned is developed across a work as a whole by the educational community, propitiating that is an educational familiar space, well dealer, motivating and respectfully, giving like proved a better learning, on the part of the children, reflected proved from the tests that must give good results to the Department of Education.</p><p>The type of methodology that has been in use along the present investigation, is of qualitative character, since it relates narrowly to the principal raised aim, of 10 demonstrating the pedagogic beginning that are to the base of the educational co-upbringing concerning the relation family and school of the educational space chosen for his analysis.</p><p>The study of case is an instrument of investigation that has his origins in the medicine and the psychology, being extended already to the field of the sociology, social sciences and education as method of qualitative investigation.</p><p>One concludes then that the utilization of this new way of educating from the attachment, the freedom, the happiness and the good relation family - school, gives positive results so much to educational, familiar level and affective partner of the child, generating satisfaction and confidence of the parents and proxies in this educational center</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Licenciado en Educación
Resumen dc.description Educador de Párvulostítulo
Resumen dc.description EDUCACION PARVULARIA
Resumen dc.description <p>En esta investigaci&oacute;n se busca evidenciar los principios pedag&oacute;gicos y t&eacute;cnicos que est&aacute;n a la base de c&oacute;mo se trabaja el concepto de Co-crianza educativa en la &ldquo;Escuelita Libre y Feliz, Mar&iacute;a Lefebre Lever&rdquo; ubicado en la Comuna de Villa Alemana, quien plantea el concepto de co-crianza, el cual se refiere a criar en conjunto con las familias de los educandos que asisten al establecimiento educacional. Se realiz&oacute; este trabajo con una metodolog&iacute;a cualitativa, utilizando el dise&ntilde;o de estudio de caso.</p><p>Se trabajo con las mediadoras educativas, padres y apoderados del establecimiento educacional. Como resultado se obtuvo, que por una parte, las familias implementan en conjunto con la escuela este nuevo concepto educativo, el cual se define como un v&iacute;nculo socio-afectivo y educativo que otorga seguridad a los ni&ntilde;os y sus familias y que acompa&ntilde;a a &eacute;stas en la crianza, con el fin de obtener un desarrollo integral. Exponen en su discurso que esta buena relaci&oacute;n genera una mejor educaci&oacute;n para los ni&ntilde;os, respetando los ritmos propios de aprendizajes, su cultura, creencias e historias familiares, logrando que sean aprendizajes m&aacute;s significativos. Se evidencia tambi&eacute;n, la entrega de confianza que otorgan los padres a las mediadoras educativas a cargo del grupo de p&aacute;rvulos, para la formaci&oacute;n pedag&oacute;gica y emocional de sus hijos.</p><p>Todo lo antes mencionado es desarrollado a trav&eacute;s de un trabajo en conjunto con la comunidad educativa, propiciando que sea un espacio educativo familiar, bien tratante, motivador y respetuoso, dando como resultado un mejor aprendizaje, por parte de los ni&ntilde;os, reflejado resultados de las pruebas que deben rendir al Ministerio de Educaci&oacute;n.</p><p>El tipo de metodolog&iacute;a que se ha utilizado a lo largo de la presente investigaci&oacute;n, es de car&aacute;cter cualitativo, ya que se relaciona estrechamente con el objetivo principal planteado, el de evidenciar los principios pedag&oacute;gicos que 8 est&aacute;n a la base de la co-crianza educativa en torno a la relaci&oacute;n familia y escuela del espacio educativo escogido para su an&aacute;lisis.</p><p>El estudio de caso es un instrumento de investigaci&oacute;n que tiene sus or&iacute;genes en la medicina y la psicolog&iacute;a, ampli&aacute;ndose ya al campo de la sociolog&iacute;a, ciencias sociales y educaci&oacute;n como m&eacute;todo de investigaci&oacute;n cualitativa.</p><p>Se concluye entonces que la utilizaci&oacute;n de esta nueva forma de educar desde el apego, la libertad, la felicidad y la buena relaci&oacute;n familia-escuela, da resultados positivos tanto a nivel educativo, familiar y socio-afectivo del ni&ntilde;o, generando satisfacci&oacute;n y confianza de los padres y apoderados en este centro educativo</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>In this investigation one seeks to demonstrate the pedagogic and technical beginning that are to the base of how one works the concept of educational Coupbringing in the &quot; Escuelita Libre y Feliz, Maria Lefebre Lever &quot; located in the Commune of Villa Alemana, who raises the concept of co-upbringing, which refers to producing as a whole with the families of the pupils who are present at the educational establishment. This work was realized by a qualitative methodology, using the design of study of case.</p><p>I work with the mediating educational ones, parents and proxies of the educational establishment. Since result obtained, that on one hand, the families implement as a whole with the school this new educational concept, which there is defined as a link affective and educational partner who grants safety to the children and his families and who accompanies these in the upbringing, in order to obtain an integral development. They expose in his speech that this good relation generates a better education for the children, respecting the own paces of learning&rsquo;s, his culture, beliefs and familiar histories, achieving that they are more significant learning&rsquo;s. It is demonstrated also, the confidence delivery that the parents grant to the mediating educational ones at the expense of the group of preschoolers, for the pedagogic and emotional formation of his children.</p><p>Everything before mentioned is developed across a work as a whole by the educational community, propitiating that is an educational familiar space, well dealer, motivating and respectfully, giving like proved a better learning, on the part of the children, reflected proved from the tests that must give good results to the Department of Education.</p><p>The type of methodology that has been in use along the present investigation, is of qualitative character, since it relates narrowly to the principal raised aim, of 10 demonstrating the pedagogic beginning that are to the base of the educational co-upbringing concerning the relation family and school of the educational space chosen for his analysis.</p><p>The study of case is an instrument of investigation that has his origins in the medicine and the psychology, being extended already to the field of the sociology, social sciences and education as method of qualitative investigation.</p><p>One concludes then that the utilization of this new way of educating from the attachment, the freedom, the happiness and the good relation family - school, gives positive results so much to educational, familiar level and affective partner of the child, generating satisfaction and confidence of the parents and proxies in this educational center</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language spa
dc.rights sin documento
Materia dc.subject CRIANZA DE NIÑOS
Materia dc.subject ROL DE PADRES
Materia dc.subject Educación preescolar
Title dc.title Co-crianza educativa: acompañamiento docente a la crianza familiar. Estudio de caso de la experiencia educativa en la escuelita libre y Feliz María Lefebre Lever, Villa Alemana, Chile
Tipo dc.type texto

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