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Diseño de una escala de identificación para precocidad, en niños de 4 a 6 años, en el sistema de educación parvularia de la comuna de Viña del Mar

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Caro Rivera, Valentina Verónica
dc.contributor Moyano Trigo, Andrea Selene
dc.contributor Ortega González, Roxana Eugenia
dc.contributor Ramírez Durán, Carolina Paz
dc.contributor Conejeros Solar, María Leonor
dc.creator Arellano Pérez, Macarena Paz
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-14T12:07:18Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-14T12:07:18Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-14
Resumen dc.description <p>La presente investigaci&oacute;n expone los resultados de un estudio cuantitativo cuyo objetivo fue dise&ntilde;ar y aplicar una escala de identificaci&oacute;n, para ni&ntilde;os/as con precocidad entre 4 y 6 a&ntilde;os de edad, caracterizando habilidades acad&eacute;micas generales en las &aacute;reas de lenguaje, matem&aacute;ticas, motricidad, social, emocional y cognitiva. Para llevar a cabo esta investigaci&oacute;n, se utiliz&oacute; el enfoque de investigaci&oacute;n cuantitativa, con un dise&ntilde;o transeccional y una muestra no probabil&iacute;stica de 59 p&aacute;rvulos pertenecientes a establecimientos educacionales municipalizados de la comuna de Vi&ntilde;a del Mar.<br /><br />Al finalizar esta investigaci&oacute;n se logr&oacute; determinar cu&aacute;les son las conductas que denotan precocidad con mayor eficacia y precisi&oacute;n debido a que pueden ser observables dentro del aula por parte de los docentes y educadoras de p&aacute;rvulos. El &aacute;rea que m&aacute;s evidencia precocidad corresponde a la del lenguaje oral, pudi&eacute;ndose identificar a 5 p&aacute;rvulos con estas conductas, lo que equivale al 10% de la poblaci&oacute;n evaluada, evidenciando as&iacute; la eficacia del instrumento, que se constituye en un aporte para los procesos de identificaci&oacute;n de altas capacidades en p&aacute;rvulos, permitiendo una identificaci&oacute;n oportuna a fin de dar respuesta a sus necesidades educativas especiales</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>The investigation exposes the results of a quantitative analysis focused on the design and the development of an identity scale for children who are diagnosed with precocity and that are between four and six years of age. This scale aims to characterize the general academic competences in subjects such as language, mathematics and mobility as well as their skills on social, emotional and cognitive processes. In order to achieve this, the focus used was set on a quantitative research that featured a multi-sectional design along with a non-probabilistic simple of 59 members that belonged to different municipal schools in the city of Vi&ntilde;a del Mar.<br /><br />After the research was completed, we were able to determine the behavior patterns that can exemplify precocity better and the accuracy details were provided due to the teachers as they were able to see them in the classroom. The area that shows the precocity trait the best is the oral language: five kids were identified with this characteristic and that groups 10% of the assessed population. The figure exemplifies the accuracy of the investigation and it&rsquo;s considered a very good tool to identify the high capacities in the childrens, allowing the teachers to detect these traits promptly and also increasing the chance to answer their special educative needs more effectively</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Licenciado en Educación
Resumen dc.description Educador de Párvulostítulo
Resumen dc.description EDUCACION PARVULARIA
Resumen dc.description <p>La presente investigaci&oacute;n expone los resultados de un estudio cuantitativo cuyo objetivo fue dise&ntilde;ar y aplicar una escala de identificaci&oacute;n, para ni&ntilde;os/as con precocidad entre 4 y 6 a&ntilde;os de edad, caracterizando habilidades acad&eacute;micas generales en las &aacute;reas de lenguaje, matem&aacute;ticas, motricidad, social, emocional y cognitiva. Para llevar a cabo esta investigaci&oacute;n, se utiliz&oacute; el enfoque de investigaci&oacute;n cuantitativa, con un dise&ntilde;o transeccional y una muestra no probabil&iacute;stica de 59 p&aacute;rvulos pertenecientes a establecimientos educacionales municipalizados de la comuna de Vi&ntilde;a del Mar.<br /><br />Al finalizar esta investigaci&oacute;n se logr&oacute; determinar cu&aacute;les son las conductas que denotan precocidad con mayor eficacia y precisi&oacute;n debido a que pueden ser observables dentro del aula por parte de los docentes y educadoras de p&aacute;rvulos. El &aacute;rea que m&aacute;s evidencia precocidad corresponde a la del lenguaje oral, pudi&eacute;ndose identificar a 5 p&aacute;rvulos con estas conductas, lo que equivale al 10% de la poblaci&oacute;n evaluada, evidenciando as&iacute; la eficacia del instrumento, que se constituye en un aporte para los procesos de identificaci&oacute;n de altas capacidades en p&aacute;rvulos, permitiendo una identificaci&oacute;n oportuna a fin de dar respuesta a sus necesidades educativas especiales</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>The investigation exposes the results of a quantitative analysis focused on the design and the development of an identity scale for children who are diagnosed with precocity and that are between four and six years of age. This scale aims to characterize the general academic competences in subjects such as language, mathematics and mobility as well as their skills on social, emotional and cognitive processes. In order to achieve this, the focus used was set on a quantitative research that featured a multi-sectional design along with a non-probabilistic simple of 59 members that belonged to different municipal schools in the city of Vi&ntilde;a del Mar.<br /><br />After the research was completed, we were able to determine the behavior patterns that can exemplify precocity better and the accuracy details were provided due to the teachers as they were able to see them in the classroom. The area that shows the precocity trait the best is the oral language: five kids were identified with this characteristic and that groups 10% of the assessed population. The figure exemplifies the accuracy of the investigation and it&rsquo;s considered a very good tool to identify the high capacities in the childrens, allowing the teachers to detect these traits promptly and also increasing the chance to answer their special educative needs more effectively</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language spa
dc.rights sin documento
Materia dc.subject Educación preescolar
Materia dc.subject HABILIDADES
Title dc.title Diseño de una escala de identificación para precocidad, en niños de 4 a 6 años, en el sistema de educación parvularia de la comuna de Viña del Mar
Tipo dc.type texto

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