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Navegación autónoma de una base robótica usando SLAM

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Hermosilla Vigneau, Gabriel
dc.contributor Farías Castro, Gonzalo Alberto
dc.creator Nail Valenzuela, Gerson Leonidas
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-19T18:28:50Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-19T18:28:50Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-19
Resumen dc.description <p>Hoy en d&iacute;a, existen variadas t&eacute;cnicas que tratan la navegaci&oacute;n aut&oacute;noma para distintos tipos de plataformas rob&oacute;ticas, dependiendo del entorno en el cual se desplace. Debido a que no hay un m&eacute;todo de car&aacute;cter gen&eacute;rico que aplique para cada tipo de robot en cualquier ambiente, se denomina problema SLAM -Localizaci&oacute;n Y Mapeo Simult&aacute;neo- el enfrentar la navegaci&oacute;n aut&oacute;noma. Dichas t&eacute;cnicas, consisten en la implementaci&oacute;n de algoritmos de localizaci&oacute;n que relacionan lo observado y desplazado, con tal de estimar la posici&oacute;n de la base rob&oacute;tica a medida que recorre su entorno. Sin embargo, para su inserci&oacute;n es necesario contar con el robot m&oacute;vil y alg&uacute;n medio que relacione los algoritmos de posicionamiento con instrucciones de navegaci&oacute;n. En un principio, se realiz&oacute; un estudio del estado del arte de la navegaci&oacute;n aut&oacute;noma como b&uacute;squeda de una soluci&oacute;n al problema SLAM, en donde se determin&oacute; el tipo de base m&oacute;vil, entorno de trabajo y hardware de medici&oacute;n para un entorno cerrado y planar. Luego, se elabor&oacute; una investigaci&oacute;n de los tipos de algoritmos necesarios para relacionar las observaciones y controles de posici&oacute;n que tuvo la plataforma rob&oacute;tica. Consecuentemente, se realiz&oacute; un estudio de una distribuci&oacute;n orientada a la rob&oacute;tica con el objetivo de entender su funcionamiento, generalidades y manejo de paquetes, realizando al final un estudio de librer&iacute;as como un conjunto de herramientas y algoritmos, que sirvieron para implementar los algoritmos estudiados y de esta forma enfrentar la navegaci&oacute;n aut&oacute;noma. Una vez entendido el estado del arte, algoritmos de posicionamiento y el software que se utilizar&aacute;, se procedi&oacute; con el dise&ntilde;o y construcci&oacute;n del robot m&oacute;vil, en donde se justific&oacute; la elecci&oacute;n de los componentes utilizados, y se propuso un esquema gen&eacute;rico como soluci&oacute;n al planteamiento del problema. Por &uacute;ltimo, en un ordenador port&aacute;til como parte de la plataforma rob&oacute;tica, se implementaron los paquetes y librer&iacute;as estudiados de la distribuci&oacute;n, y se presentaron los resultados obtenidos producto de la navegaci&oacute;n aut&oacute;noma como un conjunto de mapas del entorno en el cual se desplaz&oacute;, y su navegaci&oacute;n a trav&eacute;s del mapa</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>Nowadays, there are several techniques which deal with autonomous navigation for different types of robotic platforms, depending on the environment in which they travel. Because of there is not a generic solution that applies to every type of robot in any environment, it is called SLAM -Simultaneous Localization And Mapping- problem to face autonomous navigation. Those techniques, consist in the implementation of localization algorithms that relates the observed and displaced, in order to estimate the robotic base&rsquo;s position as it moves around its environment. However, for its insertion is it necessary to have the mobile robot and some way to relate the positioning algorithms with navigation instructions. At first, a state of the art study of autonomous navigation was carried out as a searching for a solution to the SLAM problem, where the type of mobile base, working environment and measuring hardware for a closed and planar environment. Then, a study of the type of algorithms needed was made, to relate the observations and position controls that the robotic platform had. Consequently, a study of a distribution oriented to robotics was carried out with the aim of understanding its operation, generalities and package management, making a study of libraries as a set of tools and algorithms, which serve to implement the filters studied for treat autonomous navigation. After understanding the state of the art, positioning algorithms and the software that will be used, the robotic platform sketch and construction was carried out, justifying the choice of the components used, and a generic scheme was proposed as a solution to the problem suggested. Finally, in a laptop as part of the robotic platform, the studied packages and libraries of the distribution were implemented, and the results obtained as a product of autonomous navigation were presented, like a group of maps from the environment which the robot moved around, and it navigation through the map</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Licenciado en Ciencias de la Ingeniería
Resumen dc.description Ingeniero Civil Electrónicotítulo
Resumen dc.description <p>Hoy en d&iacute;a, existen variadas t&eacute;cnicas que tratan la navegaci&oacute;n aut&oacute;noma para distintos tipos de plataformas rob&oacute;ticas, dependiendo del entorno en el cual se desplace. Debido a que no hay un m&eacute;todo de car&aacute;cter gen&eacute;rico que aplique para cada tipo de robot en cualquier ambiente, se denomina problema SLAM -Localizaci&oacute;n Y Mapeo Simult&aacute;neo- el enfrentar la navegaci&oacute;n aut&oacute;noma. Dichas t&eacute;cnicas, consisten en la implementaci&oacute;n de algoritmos de localizaci&oacute;n que relacionan lo observado y desplazado, con tal de estimar la posici&oacute;n de la base rob&oacute;tica a medida que recorre su entorno. Sin embargo, para su inserci&oacute;n es necesario contar con el robot m&oacute;vil y alg&uacute;n medio que relacione los algoritmos de posicionamiento con instrucciones de navegaci&oacute;n. En un principio, se realiz&oacute; un estudio del estado del arte de la navegaci&oacute;n aut&oacute;noma como b&uacute;squeda de una soluci&oacute;n al problema SLAM, en donde se determin&oacute; el tipo de base m&oacute;vil, entorno de trabajo y hardware de medici&oacute;n para un entorno cerrado y planar. Luego, se elabor&oacute; una investigaci&oacute;n de los tipos de algoritmos necesarios para relacionar las observaciones y controles de posici&oacute;n que tuvo la plataforma rob&oacute;tica. Consecuentemente, se realiz&oacute; un estudio de una distribuci&oacute;n orientada a la rob&oacute;tica con el objetivo de entender su funcionamiento, generalidades y manejo de paquetes, realizando al final un estudio de librer&iacute;as como un conjunto de herramientas y algoritmos, que sirvieron para implementar los algoritmos estudiados y de esta forma enfrentar la navegaci&oacute;n aut&oacute;noma. Una vez entendido el estado del arte, algoritmos de posicionamiento y el software que se utilizar&aacute;, se procedi&oacute; con el dise&ntilde;o y construcci&oacute;n del robot m&oacute;vil, en donde se justific&oacute; la elecci&oacute;n de los componentes utilizados, y se propuso un esquema gen&eacute;rico como soluci&oacute;n al planteamiento del problema. Por &uacute;ltimo, en un ordenador port&aacute;til como parte de la plataforma rob&oacute;tica, se implementaron los paquetes y librer&iacute;as estudiados de la distribuci&oacute;n, y se presentaron los resultados obtenidos producto de la navegaci&oacute;n aut&oacute;noma como un conjunto de mapas del entorno en el cual se desplaz&oacute;, y su navegaci&oacute;n a trav&eacute;s del mapa</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>Nowadays, there are several techniques which deal with autonomous navigation for different types of robotic platforms, depending on the environment in which they travel. Because of there is not a generic solution that applies to every type of robot in any environment, it is called SLAM -Simultaneous Localization And Mapping- problem to face autonomous navigation. Those techniques, consist in the implementation of localization algorithms that relates the observed and displaced, in order to estimate the robotic base&rsquo;s position as it moves around its environment. However, for its insertion is it necessary to have the mobile robot and some way to relate the positioning algorithms with navigation instructions. At first, a state of the art study of autonomous navigation was carried out as a searching for a solution to the SLAM problem, where the type of mobile base, working environment and measuring hardware for a closed and planar environment. Then, a study of the type of algorithms needed was made, to relate the observations and position controls that the robotic platform had. Consequently, a study of a distribution oriented to robotics was carried out with the aim of understanding its operation, generalities and package management, making a study of libraries as a set of tools and algorithms, which serve to implement the filters studied for treat autonomous navigation. After understanding the state of the art, positioning algorithms and the software that will be used, the robotic platform sketch and construction was carried out, justifying the choice of the components used, and a generic scheme was proposed as a solution to the problem suggested. Finally, in a laptop as part of the robotic platform, the studied packages and libraries of the distribution were implemented, and the results obtained as a product of autonomous navigation were presented, like a group of maps from the environment which the robot moved around, and it navigation through the map</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language spa
dc.rights autorizado
Materia dc.subject Robótica
Materia dc.subject AUTOMATIZACION
Materia dc.subject Control automático
Title dc.title Navegación autónoma de una base robótica usando SLAM
Tipo dc.type texto

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