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Autodeterminación y calidad de vida en adultos con discapacidad intelectual procedentes de la escuela Ester de la Torre, Limache

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dc.contributor Cortés Pérez, Lorena Francisca
dc.contributor Lambarri Leiva, Carolina Lourdes
dc.contributor Miranda Albornoz, Camila Daniela
dc.contributor Vega Córdova, Vanessa del Pilar
dc.creator Cereceda Córdova, Belén
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-14T12:18:51Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-14T12:18:51Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-14
Resumen dc.description <p>La autodeterminaci&oacute;n es un constructo que durante los &uacute;ltimos a&ntilde;os ha cobrado gran relevancia en el &aacute;mbito de la discapacidad, ya que considera a las personas como protagonistas de su propia vida situ&aacute;ndolos ante todo como sujetos de derechos. Lo anterior, implica que la autodeterminaci&oacute;n influye en la calidad de vida. Es por esto que la presente investigaci&oacute;n tiene como objetivo valorar las conductas autodeterminadas y su relaci&oacute;n con la calidad de vida en adultos entre 20 y 22 a&ntilde;os, de la Escuela Ester de la Torre de Limache.</p><p>Para la consecuci&oacute;n de esta investigaci&oacute;n, se realiz&oacute; un estudio de car&aacute;cter cualitativo a partir de una entrevista semi estructurada a cinco estudiantes de dicha Escuela. Cabe se&ntilde;alar que dentro del an&aacute;lisis realizado, adem&aacute;s de valorar las conductas autodeterminadas, se estableci&oacute; una relaci&oacute;n de &eacute;stas con las dimensiones de calidad de vida.</p><p>Los resultados se&ntilde;alan que en su mayor&iacute;a los adultos con Discapacidad Intelectual manifiestan que pueden desenvolverse aut&oacute;nomamente dentro de su contexto, a&uacute;n as&iacute; siguen estando limitados por su familia. Adem&aacute;s, es posible se&ntilde;alar que si bien los adultos se planifican y plantean metas, esto no asegura la consecuci&oacute;n de los objetivos propuestos. Asimismo, en general son conscientes de su capacidad al momento de realizar distintas acciones, no obstante al enfrentarse a situaciones conflictivas mantienen una actitud pasiva. Por &uacute;ltimo, es posible se&ntilde;alar que los adultos reconocen sus fortalezas y debilidades, las cuales han sido descubiertas por s&iacute; mismos como por terceros.</p><p>Todo lo anterior confirma la importancia de generar espacios que fomenten la autodeterminaci&oacute;n para favorecer la calidad de vida de las personas con Discapacidad Intelectual</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>Self determination is a construct that has earned relevance during the last years in the field of disabilities, though it considers these people as the leaders of their own life beside everything as a person with rights. This, means that self determination has an influence in the quality of life of these people. Is this the reason why the following research has as objetive appreciating the self determined conducts and how they are related to the quality of life of five adults with ages between 20 and 22 years old from the Escuela Ester de la Torre from Limache.</p><p>To obtain the results, the research was based in a qualitative study in which it was applied a half-structured interview to five students of this School so it was subjected to a thorough analysis with the interviewee answers. It is possible to say that during the analysis, to one side was the appreciations of the self determined conducts and at the same time it was produced a connection with these and quality of life.</p><p>The results stand on that most of the adults with intellectual disabilities state an autonomy that lets them get on in their own environment without problems, but they are still being very restricted by their families. Besides, it is possible to mention that even though adults plan and set out goals, many times this does claim the results. In general, they are self conscious about their capacity when they are doing certain actions, nevertheless, when they come into conflict, in general they maintain a passive attitude. Finally, the adults recognize their strengths and weakness, which have been discovered by themselves or by other person.</p><p>Everything mentioned previously confirms the importance of creating spaces that encourage self determination to benefit the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Licenciado en Educación
Resumen dc.description Profesor de Educación Diferencial con Menciones en Trastornos del Aprendizaje Específico y en Retardo Mentaltítulo
Resumen dc.description EDUCACION DIFERENCIAL
Resumen dc.description <p>La autodeterminaci&oacute;n es un constructo que durante los &uacute;ltimos a&ntilde;os ha cobrado gran relevancia en el &aacute;mbito de la discapacidad, ya que considera a las personas como protagonistas de su propia vida situ&aacute;ndolos ante todo como sujetos de derechos. Lo anterior, implica que la autodeterminaci&oacute;n influye en la calidad de vida. Es por esto que la presente investigaci&oacute;n tiene como objetivo valorar las conductas autodeterminadas y su relaci&oacute;n con la calidad de vida en adultos entre 20 y 22 a&ntilde;os, de la Escuela Ester de la Torre de Limache.</p><p>Para la consecuci&oacute;n de esta investigaci&oacute;n, se realiz&oacute; un estudio de car&aacute;cter cualitativo a partir de una entrevista semi estructurada a cinco estudiantes de dicha Escuela. Cabe se&ntilde;alar que dentro del an&aacute;lisis realizado, adem&aacute;s de valorar las conductas autodeterminadas, se estableci&oacute; una relaci&oacute;n de &eacute;stas con las dimensiones de calidad de vida.</p><p>Los resultados se&ntilde;alan que en su mayor&iacute;a los adultos con Discapacidad Intelectual manifiestan que pueden desenvolverse aut&oacute;nomamente dentro de su contexto, a&uacute;n as&iacute; siguen estando limitados por su familia. Adem&aacute;s, es posible se&ntilde;alar que si bien los adultos se planifican y plantean metas, esto no asegura la consecuci&oacute;n de los objetivos propuestos. Asimismo, en general son conscientes de su capacidad al momento de realizar distintas acciones, no obstante al enfrentarse a situaciones conflictivas mantienen una actitud pasiva. Por &uacute;ltimo, es posible se&ntilde;alar que los adultos reconocen sus fortalezas y debilidades, las cuales han sido descubiertas por s&iacute; mismos como por terceros.</p><p>Todo lo anterior confirma la importancia de generar espacios que fomenten la autodeterminaci&oacute;n para favorecer la calidad de vida de las personas con Discapacidad Intelectual</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>Self determination is a construct that has earned relevance during the last years in the field of disabilities, though it considers these people as the leaders of their own life beside everything as a person with rights. This, means that self determination has an influence in the quality of life of these people. Is this the reason why the following research has as objetive appreciating the self determined conducts and how they are related to the quality of life of five adults with ages between 20 and 22 years old from the Escuela Ester de la Torre from Limache.</p><p>To obtain the results, the research was based in a qualitative study in which it was applied a half-structured interview to five students of this School so it was subjected to a thorough analysis with the interviewee answers. It is possible to say that during the analysis, to one side was the appreciations of the self determined conducts and at the same time it was produced a connection with these and quality of life.</p><p>The results stand on that most of the adults with intellectual disabilities state an autonomy that lets them get on in their own environment without problems, but they are still being very restricted by their families. Besides, it is possible to mention that even though adults plan and set out goals, many times this does claim the results. In general, they are self conscious about their capacity when they are doing certain actions, nevertheless, when they come into conflict, in general they maintain a passive attitude. Finally, the adults recognize their strengths and weakness, which have been discovered by themselves or by other person.</p><p>Everything mentioned previously confirms the importance of creating spaces that encourage self determination to benefit the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language spa
dc.rights sin documento
Materia dc.subject AUTODETERMINACION
Materia dc.subject CALIDAD DE VIDA
Materia dc.subject Investigación cualitativa
Title dc.title Autodeterminación y calidad de vida en adultos con discapacidad intelectual procedentes de la escuela Ester de la Torre, Limache
Tipo dc.type texto

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