Bibliotecas PUCV

Teaching pragmatics as a means to develop oral skills

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Bernales Pardo, Carolina
dc.creator Contreras Berrios, Paula
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-14T12:16:04Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-14T12:16:04Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-14
Resumen dc.description <p>Currently, English is being widely accepted as the lingua franca worldwide since it allows speakers of different languages to communicate in business contexts. Consequently, developing a communicative competence in the target language is of paramount importance, particularly to developing countries, such as Chile.This proposal aims to fill a void in the Chilean educational system where the mastery of grammatical knowledge seems to be the main learning goal. In this line, this elective course will help learners to develop oral skills by making them aware of the pragmatic features of the target language. Thus, they will be able to cope with different communicative situations in an appropriate manner</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Licenciado en Educación
Resumen dc.description Profesor de Ingléstítulo
Resumen dc.description INGLES
Resumen dc.description <p>Currently, English is being widely accepted as the lingua franca worldwide since it allows speakers of different languages to communicate in business contexts. Consequently, developing a communicative competence in the target language is of paramount importance, particularly to developing countries, such as Chile.This proposal aims to fill a void in the Chilean educational system where the mastery of grammatical knowledge seems to be the main learning goal. In this line, this elective course will help learners to develop oral skills by making them aware of the pragmatic features of the target language. Thus, they will be able to cope with different communicative situations in an appropriate manner</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language eng
dc.rights sin documento
Materia dc.subject PRAGMATICA
Materia dc.subject Psicolingüística
Materia dc.subject Investigación lingüística
Title dc.title Teaching pragmatics as a means to develop oral skills
Tipo dc.type texto

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