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Not too young to write! building up cooperative writing skills through stories: an elective workshop for fourth graders

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Cárdenas Claros, Mónica Stella
dc.creator Araya Delgado, Camila Nicole
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-14T12:14:08Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-14T12:14:08Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-14
Resumen dc.description <p>This graduation project proposes cooperative writing in the L2 classrooms as an essential source for developing fourth graders students&rsquo; writing skills through the creation of a story and a mini book. Working cooperatively is a highly beneficial opportunity for students as it enhances the development of interpersonal skills. Moreover, in the case of children, cooperative work directly tackles their social nature, and fosters their desire to know the people around them and the world they live in. Additionally, writing stories is an excellent way in which they can exploit their endless creativity. This pedagogical proposal is a support for some of the objectives related to writing skills of the Chilean optional English curriculum for fourth graders, which aim at promoting this productive skill. The topic of the workshop is food, and it was selected by fourth graders themselves on a survey carried out in the students&rsquo; mother tongue, and the activities combine the theoretical framework of this project</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Licenciado en Educación
Resumen dc.description Profesor de Ingléstítulo
Resumen dc.description INGLES
Resumen dc.description <p>This graduation project proposes cooperative writing in the L2 classrooms as an essential source for developing fourth graders students&rsquo; writing skills through the creation of a story and a mini book. Working cooperatively is a highly beneficial opportunity for students as it enhances the development of interpersonal skills. Moreover, in the case of children, cooperative work directly tackles their social nature, and fosters their desire to know the people around them and the world they live in. Additionally, writing stories is an excellent way in which they can exploit their endless creativity. This pedagogical proposal is a support for some of the objectives related to writing skills of the Chilean optional English curriculum for fourth graders, which aim at promoting this productive skill. The topic of the workshop is food, and it was selected by fourth graders themselves on a survey carried out in the students&rsquo; mother tongue, and the activities combine the theoretical framework of this project</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language eng
dc.rights sin documento
Materia dc.subject Enseñanza del inglés
Materia dc.subject Pensamiento creativo
Materia dc.subject Métodos de enseñanza
Title dc.title Not too young to write! building up cooperative writing skills through stories: an elective workshop for fourth graders
Tipo dc.type texto

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