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Wordling: the science of learning words through dictionaries

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Salas Valdebenito, Millaray
dc.contributor Fernández Silva, Sabela
dc.creator Moya Ortiz, Joaquín Antonio
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-14T12:09:07Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-14T12:09:07Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-14
Resumen dc.description <p>For tenth graders, the curriculum proposed by the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) states how important vocabulary is in L2 learning, but several key aspects of vocabulary teaching and learning are overlooked, such as competences involved in acquiring vocabulary, the array of dimensions of receptive and productive knowledge of a word, vocabulary learning strategies, resources available for both students and teachers, and formal instances of vocabulary assessment. The current pedagogical proposal aims at filling the aforementioned voids in the current MINEDUC curriculum for the English subject by using a multidimensional syllabus (Johnson, 2009), whose main objectives are (1) to help learners develop the strategy to recognize topic-related vocabulary in reading texts, (2) to help learners develop the seven-step dictionary use strategy (or SSDUS), and (3) to teach learners how to exploit different types of dictionaries. Seminal books on vocabulary teaching, learning, and assessment (e.g. Nation, 2001; Read, 2011) will be reviewed so as to inform the following proposal</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Licenciado en Educación
Resumen dc.description Profesor de Ingléstítulo
Resumen dc.description INGLES
Resumen dc.description <p>For tenth graders, the curriculum proposed by the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) states how important vocabulary is in L2 learning, but several key aspects of vocabulary teaching and learning are overlooked, such as competences involved in acquiring vocabulary, the array of dimensions of receptive and productive knowledge of a word, vocabulary learning strategies, resources available for both students and teachers, and formal instances of vocabulary assessment. The current pedagogical proposal aims at filling the aforementioned voids in the current MINEDUC curriculum for the English subject by using a multidimensional syllabus (Johnson, 2009), whose main objectives are (1) to help learners develop the strategy to recognize topic-related vocabulary in reading texts, (2) to help learners develop the seven-step dictionary use strategy (or SSDUS), and (3) to teach learners how to exploit different types of dictionaries. Seminal books on vocabulary teaching, learning, and assessment (e.g. Nation, 2001; Read, 2011) will be reviewed so as to inform the following proposal</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language eng
dc.rights sin documento
Materia dc.subject DICCIONARIOS
Materia dc.subject Educación Lingüística
Materia dc.subject VOCABULARIO
Materia dc.subject Métodos de enseñanza
Title dc.title Wordling: the science of learning words through dictionaries
Tipo dc.type texto

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