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Resolución de Manufacturing Cell Design Problem utilizando Lion optimization algorithm

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Soto De Georgis, Ricardo Javier
dc.creator Estay Muñoz, Daniel León
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-21T02:30:07Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-21T02:30:07Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-20
Resumen dc.description <p>Este documento se enfoca en el modelado y resoluci&oacute;n del problema de dise &ntilde;o de celdas de manufactura -Manufacturing Cell Design Problem, MCDP- a trav&eacute;s del algoritmo de optimizaci&oacute;n de le&oacute;n -Lion Optimization Algorithm, LOA-. El MCDP es un problema asociado a la producci&oacute;n lineal, en donde se busca ordenar las m&aacute;quinas entre las celdas existentes de forma &oacute;ptima, entendi&eacute;ndose por &oacute;ptimo la reducci&oacute;n del flujo entre celdas. En este proyecto se utiliza la metaheur&iacute;stica LOA para resolver este problema, la cual es una t&eacute;cnica inspirada en el comportamiento de los leones -n&oacute;madas y manada- en la naturaleza para buscar una soluci&oacute;n. Se ilustran resultados experimentales donde se obtiene el &oacute;ptimo global para varias instancias de este problema</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>This document focuses on the modeling and resolution of the Manufacturing Cell Design Problem -MCDP-, through the Lion Optimization Algorithm -LOA-. The MCDP is a problem associated with linear production, where the idea is to organize the machines within the existing cells in an optimal way, that is, to minimize the part flow among cells. In this project, the LOA metaheuristics is used to solve this problem, which is a technique inspired by the behavior of lions -nomads and herds- in nature to find a solution. Experimental results are illustrated where the global optimum for several instances of this problem is obtained</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Ingeniero de Ejecución en Informática
Resumen dc.description <p>Este documento se enfoca en el modelado y resoluci&oacute;n del problema de dise &ntilde;o de celdas de manufactura -Manufacturing Cell Design Problem, MCDP- a trav&eacute;s del algoritmo de optimizaci&oacute;n de le&oacute;n -Lion Optimization Algorithm, LOA-. El MCDP es un problema asociado a la producci&oacute;n lineal, en donde se busca ordenar las m&aacute;quinas entre las celdas existentes de forma &oacute;ptima, entendi&eacute;ndose por &oacute;ptimo la reducci&oacute;n del flujo entre celdas. En este proyecto se utiliza la metaheur&iacute;stica LOA para resolver este problema, la cual es una t&eacute;cnica inspirada en el comportamiento de los leones -n&oacute;madas y manada- en la naturaleza para buscar una soluci&oacute;n. Se ilustran resultados experimentales donde se obtiene el &oacute;ptimo global para varias instancias de este problema</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>This document focuses on the modeling and resolution of the Manufacturing Cell Design Problem -MCDP-, through the Lion Optimization Algorithm -LOA-. The MCDP is a problem associated with linear production, where the idea is to organize the machines within the existing cells in an optimal way, that is, to minimize the part flow among cells. In this project, the LOA metaheuristics is used to solve this problem, which is a technique inspired by the behavior of lions -nomads and herds- in nature to find a solution. Experimental results are illustrated where the global optimum for several instances of this problem is obtained</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language spa
dc.rights autorizado
Materia dc.subject Programación de computadores
Materia dc.subject CONTROL DE VARIABLES
Title dc.title Resolución de Manufacturing Cell Design Problem utilizando Lion optimization algorithm
Tipo dc.type texto

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