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Desarrollo de aplicación móvil de teleasistencia para adultos mayores

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Rubio León, José Miguel
dc.contributor Migliaro Osorio, Aldo
dc.creator Toledo Martínez, Daniel Elías
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-20T16:53:54Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-20T16:53:54Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-20
Resumen dc.description <p>Android en la actualidad es una de las tecnolog&iacute;as m&aacute;s revolucionarias e innovadoras del &uacute;ltimo tiempo. Este sistema operativo naci&oacute; de las necesidades de comodidad y portabilidad que la sociedad ha solicitado y seguir&aacute; haci&eacute;ndolo. Inicialmente su funcionalidad abarcaba solamente algunas caracter&iacute;sticas b&aacute;sicas como llamar, grabar, guardar contactos, y estaba disponible s&oacute;lo en algunos dispositivos m&oacute;viles de gama baja. Actualmente, abarca diversos tipos de dispositivos m&oacute;viles, e incluso desde lavadoras hasta notebooks.</p><p>Considerando lo anterior, este trabajo de t&iacute;tulo consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicaci&oacute;n de tele asistencia que permite monitorear y cuidar a un adulto mayor a trav&eacute;s de los distintos componentes de hardware del smartphone, en este caso se utiliz&oacute; el aceler&oacute;metro, &eacute;l cual, al detectar ciertos patrones de movimientos notificar&aacute; al usuario final la localizaci&oacute;n geogr&aacute;fica del adulto mayor.<br />Tambi&eacute;n permite generar ciertos recordatorios, que estimulan la memoria cognitiva del adulto mayor, esto permite reorganizar las tareas diarias como por ejemplo, tomar medicamentos, comer, caminar, etc</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>Android is currently one of the most revolutionary and innovative technologies of the last time. This operating system was born out of the needs of portability and convenience that the company has sought and will continue its functionality initially covered only some basic features like calling, recording, storing contacts, and was available only in some low-end mobile devices. Currently, encompassing various types of mobile devices, and even from washing machines to notebooks.</p><p>Considering the above, this is the reason why telecare application was created. This application allows us to monitor and look after an old person through the different smart phone hardware components. In this case the accelerometer was used, which when it detects certain patterns of movement will inform to the final user about the geographical localization of the old person.<br />It allows too generating certain reminders that stimulate the cognitive memory of the elderly; this allows them to reorganize daily tasks such as taking medication, eating, walking, etc</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Ingeniero de Ejecución en Informática
Resumen dc.description <p>Android en la actualidad es una de las tecnolog&iacute;as m&aacute;s revolucionarias e innovadoras del &uacute;ltimo tiempo. Este sistema operativo naci&oacute; de las necesidades de comodidad y portabilidad que la sociedad ha solicitado y seguir&aacute; haci&eacute;ndolo. Inicialmente su funcionalidad abarcaba solamente algunas caracter&iacute;sticas b&aacute;sicas como llamar, grabar, guardar contactos, y estaba disponible s&oacute;lo en algunos dispositivos m&oacute;viles de gama baja. Actualmente, abarca diversos tipos de dispositivos m&oacute;viles, e incluso desde lavadoras hasta notebooks.</p><p>Considerando lo anterior, este trabajo de t&iacute;tulo consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicaci&oacute;n de tele asistencia que permite monitorear y cuidar a un adulto mayor a trav&eacute;s de los distintos componentes de hardware del smartphone, en este caso se utiliz&oacute; el aceler&oacute;metro, &eacute;l cual, al detectar ciertos patrones de movimientos notificar&aacute; al usuario final la localizaci&oacute;n geogr&aacute;fica del adulto mayor.<br />Tambi&eacute;n permite generar ciertos recordatorios, que estimulan la memoria cognitiva del adulto mayor, esto permite reorganizar las tareas diarias como por ejemplo, tomar medicamentos, comer, caminar, etc</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>Android is currently one of the most revolutionary and innovative technologies of the last time. This operating system was born out of the needs of portability and convenience that the company has sought and will continue its functionality initially covered only some basic features like calling, recording, storing contacts, and was available only in some low-end mobile devices. Currently, encompassing various types of mobile devices, and even from washing machines to notebooks.</p><p>Considering the above, this is the reason why telecare application was created. This application allows us to monitor and look after an old person through the different smart phone hardware components. In this case the accelerometer was used, which when it detects certain patterns of movement will inform to the final user about the geographical localization of the old person.<br />It allows too generating certain reminders that stimulate the cognitive memory of the elderly; this allows them to reorganize daily tasks such as taking medication, eating, walking, etc</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language spa
dc.rights autorizado
Materia dc.subject ADULTO MAYOR
Title dc.title Desarrollo de aplicación móvil de teleasistencia para adultos mayores
Tipo dc.type texto

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