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Herramienta de apoyo a los procesos de planificación estratégica y control de gestión, ligado a un balanced scorecard BSC

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Migliaro Osorio, Aldo
dc.creator Tapia Berríos, Karla Andrea
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-19T19:29:14Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-19T19:29:14Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-19
Resumen dc.description <p>La visi&oacute;n y la estrategia de negocios dictan el camino hacia el que deben encaminarse los esfuerzos individuales y colectivos de una empresa. La definici&oacute;n de estrategias por naturaleza&nbsp; es&nbsp; complicada,&nbsp; pero&nbsp; la&nbsp; implementaci&oacute;n&nbsp; de&nbsp; la&nbsp; misma&nbsp; representa&nbsp; el&nbsp; mayor obst&aacute;culo&nbsp; en&nbsp; la&nbsp; mayor&iacute;a&nbsp; de&nbsp; las&nbsp; ocasiones.&nbsp; El&nbsp; principal&nbsp; problema&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; corresponde&nbsp; en identificar exactamente lo que debe monitorearse, para comunicar en todos los niveles de la empresa, si se est&aacute;n alcanzando las estrategias a trav&eacute;s de las acciones definidas.</p><p>En&nbsp; el&nbsp; presente&nbsp; proyecto&nbsp; se&nbsp; analizan&nbsp; y&nbsp; se&nbsp; propone&nbsp; una&nbsp; soluci&oacute;n&nbsp; para&nbsp; los&nbsp; procesos&nbsp; de Planificaci&oacute;n&nbsp; y&nbsp; Control&nbsp; de&nbsp; gesti&oacute;n.&nbsp; Se&nbsp; estudia&nbsp; y&nbsp; aplica&nbsp; la&nbsp; metodolog&iacute;a&nbsp; del&nbsp; Balanced Scorecard&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; por&nbsp; considerarse&nbsp; una&nbsp; herramienta&nbsp; clave&nbsp; para&nbsp; medir&nbsp; la&nbsp; eficacia&nbsp; y&nbsp; la eficiencia de la gesti&oacute;n de toda empresa.</p><p>Se&nbsp; define&nbsp; el&nbsp; marco&nbsp; te&oacute;rico&nbsp; que&nbsp; lo&nbsp; sustenta,&nbsp; el&nbsp; estado&nbsp; del&nbsp; arte,&nbsp; los&nbsp; objetivos, requerimientos,&nbsp; an&aacute;lisis,&nbsp; dise&ntilde;o&nbsp; y&nbsp; construcci&oacute;n&nbsp; de&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; una&nbsp; Herramienta&nbsp; inform&aacute;tica&nbsp; que apoye&nbsp; a&nbsp; la&nbsp; gesti&oacute;n&nbsp; de&nbsp; la&nbsp; empresa&nbsp; uniendo&nbsp; los&nbsp; procesos&nbsp; de&nbsp; planificaci&oacute;n&nbsp; estrat&eacute;gica&nbsp; y control de gesti&oacute;n, cumpliendo con el objetivo planteado y&nbsp; los beneficios esperados.</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>The vision and the strategy of businesses dictate the way towards which the individual and&nbsp; collective&nbsp; efforts&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; company&nbsp; must&nbsp; be&nbsp; directed.&nbsp; The&nbsp; definition&nbsp; of&nbsp; strategies&nbsp; by nature&nbsp; is&nbsp; complicated,&nbsp; but&nbsp; the&nbsp; implementation&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; same&nbsp; one&nbsp; represents&nbsp; the&nbsp; greater obstacle in most of the occasions. The main problem corresponds in identifying exactly what must supervise, to communicate in all the levels of the company, if the strategies through the defined actions are being reached.</p><p>In&nbsp; the&nbsp; present&nbsp; project&nbsp; they&nbsp; are&nbsp; analyzed&nbsp; and&nbsp; a&nbsp; solution&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; processes&nbsp; of&nbsp; Planning and&nbsp; Control&nbsp; of&nbsp; management&nbsp; sets&nbsp; out.&nbsp; The&nbsp; methodology&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Balanced&nbsp; Scorecard studies and applies to consider a tool key to measure the effectiveness and the efficiency of the management of all company.</p><p>One&nbsp; defines&nbsp; the&nbsp; theoretical&nbsp; frame&nbsp; that&nbsp; sustain&nbsp; it,&nbsp; the&nbsp; state-of-the-art,&nbsp; the&nbsp; objectives, requirements,&nbsp; analysis,&nbsp; design&nbsp; and&nbsp; construction&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; computer&nbsp; science&nbsp; Tool&nbsp; that supports to the management of the company uniting the processes of strategic planning and control of management, fulfilling the raised objective and the awaited benefits.</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Ingeniero de Ejecución en Informática
Resumen dc.description <p>La visi&oacute;n y la estrategia de negocios dictan el camino hacia el que deben encaminarse los esfuerzos individuales y colectivos de una empresa. La definici&oacute;n de estrategias por naturaleza&nbsp; es&nbsp; complicada,&nbsp; pero&nbsp; la&nbsp; implementaci&oacute;n&nbsp; de&nbsp; la&nbsp; misma&nbsp; representa&nbsp; el&nbsp; mayor obst&aacute;culo&nbsp; en&nbsp; la&nbsp; mayor&iacute;a&nbsp; de&nbsp; las&nbsp; ocasiones.&nbsp; El&nbsp; principal&nbsp; problema&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; corresponde&nbsp; en identificar exactamente lo que debe monitorearse, para comunicar en todos los niveles de la empresa, si se est&aacute;n alcanzando las estrategias a trav&eacute;s de las acciones definidas.</p><p>En&nbsp; el&nbsp; presente&nbsp; proyecto&nbsp; se&nbsp; analizan&nbsp; y&nbsp; se&nbsp; propone&nbsp; una&nbsp; soluci&oacute;n&nbsp; para&nbsp; los&nbsp; procesos&nbsp; de Planificaci&oacute;n&nbsp; y&nbsp; Control&nbsp; de&nbsp; gesti&oacute;n.&nbsp; Se&nbsp; estudia&nbsp; y&nbsp; aplica&nbsp; la&nbsp; metodolog&iacute;a&nbsp; del&nbsp; Balanced Scorecard&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; por&nbsp; considerarse&nbsp; una&nbsp; herramienta&nbsp; clave&nbsp; para&nbsp; medir&nbsp; la&nbsp; eficacia&nbsp; y&nbsp; la eficiencia de la gesti&oacute;n de toda empresa.</p><p>Se&nbsp; define&nbsp; el&nbsp; marco&nbsp; te&oacute;rico&nbsp; que&nbsp; lo&nbsp; sustenta,&nbsp; el&nbsp; estado&nbsp; del&nbsp; arte,&nbsp; los&nbsp; objetivos, requerimientos,&nbsp; an&aacute;lisis,&nbsp; dise&ntilde;o&nbsp; y&nbsp; construcci&oacute;n&nbsp; de&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; una&nbsp; Herramienta&nbsp; inform&aacute;tica&nbsp; que apoye&nbsp; a&nbsp; la&nbsp; gesti&oacute;n&nbsp; de&nbsp; la&nbsp; empresa&nbsp; uniendo&nbsp; los&nbsp; procesos&nbsp; de&nbsp; planificaci&oacute;n&nbsp; estrat&eacute;gica&nbsp; y control de gesti&oacute;n, cumpliendo con el objetivo planteado y&nbsp; los beneficios esperados.</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>The vision and the strategy of businesses dictate the way towards which the individual and&nbsp; collective&nbsp; efforts&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; company&nbsp; must&nbsp; be&nbsp; directed.&nbsp; The&nbsp; definition&nbsp; of&nbsp; strategies&nbsp; by nature&nbsp; is&nbsp; complicated,&nbsp; but&nbsp; the&nbsp; implementation&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; same&nbsp; one&nbsp; represents&nbsp; the&nbsp; greater obstacle in most of the occasions. The main problem corresponds in identifying exactly what must supervise, to communicate in all the levels of the company, if the strategies through the defined actions are being reached.</p><p>In&nbsp; the&nbsp; present&nbsp; project&nbsp; they&nbsp; are&nbsp; analyzed&nbsp; and&nbsp; a&nbsp; solution&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; processes&nbsp; of&nbsp; Planning and&nbsp; Control&nbsp; of&nbsp; management&nbsp; sets&nbsp; out.&nbsp; The&nbsp; methodology&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Balanced&nbsp; Scorecard studies and applies to consider a tool key to measure the effectiveness and the efficiency of the management of all company.</p><p>One&nbsp; defines&nbsp; the&nbsp; theoretical&nbsp; frame&nbsp; that&nbsp; sustain&nbsp; it,&nbsp; the&nbsp; state-of-the-art,&nbsp; the&nbsp; objectives, requirements,&nbsp; analysis,&nbsp; design&nbsp; and&nbsp; construction&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; computer&nbsp; science&nbsp; Tool&nbsp; that supports to the management of the company uniting the processes of strategic planning and control of management, fulfilling the raised objective and the awaited benefits.</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language spa
dc.rights sin documento
Materia dc.subject Planificación estratégica
Materia dc.subject Gestión administrativa
Materia dc.subject CONTROL DE GESTION
Materia dc.subject BALANCED SCORECARD
Materia dc.subject Software
Title dc.title Herramienta de apoyo a los procesos de planificación estratégica y control de gestión, ligado a un balanced scorecard BSC
Tipo dc.type texto

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