Bibliotecas PUCV

Vule Aliun: software multimedia de ayuda en la superación de los trastornos específicos del lenguaje para segundo nivel de transición

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Bustamante Arenas, César
dc.contributor Mercado Bermúdez, Iván Emilio
dc.creator Larrondo Roa, Maureen
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-19T19:20:06Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-19T19:20:06Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-19
Resumen dc.description <p>La&nbsp; necesidad&nbsp; de&nbsp; comunicarse&nbsp; es&nbsp; vital,&nbsp; m&aacute;s&nbsp; aun&nbsp; la&nbsp; del&nbsp; lenguaje,&nbsp; sin&nbsp; &eacute;l&nbsp; la&nbsp; vida&nbsp; se&nbsp; ve&nbsp; limitada pudiendo&nbsp; causar&nbsp; serios&nbsp; problemas&nbsp; de&nbsp; comprensi&oacute;n&nbsp; y&nbsp; sobrevivencia.&nbsp; Actualmente&nbsp; no&nbsp; existe una herramienta inform&aacute;tica, adecuada a la realidad nacional, para ayudar en la correcci&oacute;n de los trastornos espec&iacute;ficos del lenguaje. En la b&uacute;squeda por satisfacer la necesidad de corregir los&nbsp; problemas&nbsp; del&nbsp; lenguaje&nbsp; se&nbsp; realiz&oacute;&nbsp; una&nbsp; profunda&nbsp; investigaci&oacute;n,&nbsp; con&nbsp; la&nbsp; colaboraci&oacute;n&nbsp; de Especialistas&nbsp; en&nbsp; el&nbsp; &aacute;rea&nbsp; del&nbsp; lenguaje&nbsp; y&nbsp; con&nbsp; la&nbsp; interacci&oacute;n&nbsp; de&nbsp; ni&ntilde;os&nbsp; afectados,&nbsp; que&nbsp; permiti&oacute; establecer una alternativa inform&aacute;tica &oacute;ptima.</p><p>Durante&nbsp; las&nbsp; pruebas&nbsp; realizadas&nbsp; con&nbsp; los&nbsp; usuarios&nbsp; finales&nbsp; (alumnos&nbsp; de&nbsp; segundo&nbsp; nivel&nbsp; de transici&oacute;n,&nbsp; docentes&nbsp; y&nbsp; fonoaudiologos)&nbsp; se&nbsp; estableci&oacute;&nbsp; la&nbsp; efectividad&nbsp; de&nbsp; la&nbsp; herramienta multimedia y las proyecciones de la misma, como aporte significativo en la superaci&oacute;n de los problemas&nbsp; de&nbsp; lenguaje&nbsp; y&nbsp; como&nbsp; soporte&nbsp; de&nbsp; las&nbsp; actividades&nbsp; de&nbsp; las&nbsp; Escuelas&nbsp; de&nbsp; Lenguaje, proyect&aacute;ndose el desarrollo de diversas versiones que permitir&aacute;n ayudar a m&aacute;s niveles etareos y en m&uacute;ltiples plataformas inform&aacute;ticas.</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>The&nbsp; need&nbsp; to&nbsp; communicate&nbsp; is&nbsp; vital,&nbsp; even&nbsp; more&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; language,&nbsp; without&nbsp; it&nbsp; life&nbsp; is&nbsp; limited&nbsp; and may&nbsp; cause&nbsp; serious&nbsp; problems&nbsp; in&nbsp; understanding&nbsp; and&nbsp; Survival.&nbsp; There&nbsp; isn't&nbsp; currently&nbsp; data&nbsp; tool, suited to the national reality, to assist in the correction of specific disorders of Language. In the search to satisfy the need to correct the problems of language a thorough investigation was conducted,&nbsp; in&nbsp; collaboration&nbsp; with&nbsp; Specialists&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; field&nbsp; of&nbsp; language&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; interaction&nbsp; of children affected, which established a computer ideal alternative.</p><p>During the tests with end users (students in second level of transition, teachers and specialists) was established efficiency Of the multimedia tool and projections of the same as Significant contribution in the overcoming in the problems of language and support The activities of the Language Schools, projecting the Development various versions that will allow help more age levels and in multiples Computing platforms.</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Ingeniero de Ejecución en Informática
Resumen dc.description <p>La&nbsp; necesidad&nbsp; de&nbsp; comunicarse&nbsp; es&nbsp; vital,&nbsp; m&aacute;s&nbsp; aun&nbsp; la&nbsp; del&nbsp; lenguaje,&nbsp; sin&nbsp; &eacute;l&nbsp; la&nbsp; vida&nbsp; se&nbsp; ve&nbsp; limitada pudiendo&nbsp; causar&nbsp; serios&nbsp; problemas&nbsp; de&nbsp; comprensi&oacute;n&nbsp; y&nbsp; sobrevivencia.&nbsp; Actualmente&nbsp; no&nbsp; existe una herramienta inform&aacute;tica, adecuada a la realidad nacional, para ayudar en la correcci&oacute;n de los trastornos espec&iacute;ficos del lenguaje. En la b&uacute;squeda por satisfacer la necesidad de corregir los&nbsp; problemas&nbsp; del&nbsp; lenguaje&nbsp; se&nbsp; realiz&oacute;&nbsp; una&nbsp; profunda&nbsp; investigaci&oacute;n,&nbsp; con&nbsp; la&nbsp; colaboraci&oacute;n&nbsp; de Especialistas&nbsp; en&nbsp; el&nbsp; &aacute;rea&nbsp; del&nbsp; lenguaje&nbsp; y&nbsp; con&nbsp; la&nbsp; interacci&oacute;n&nbsp; de&nbsp; ni&ntilde;os&nbsp; afectados,&nbsp; que&nbsp; permiti&oacute; establecer una alternativa inform&aacute;tica &oacute;ptima.</p><p>Durante&nbsp; las&nbsp; pruebas&nbsp; realizadas&nbsp; con&nbsp; los&nbsp; usuarios&nbsp; finales&nbsp; (alumnos&nbsp; de&nbsp; segundo&nbsp; nivel&nbsp; de transici&oacute;n,&nbsp; docentes&nbsp; y&nbsp; fonoaudiologos)&nbsp; se&nbsp; estableci&oacute;&nbsp; la&nbsp; efectividad&nbsp; de&nbsp; la&nbsp; herramienta multimedia y las proyecciones de la misma, como aporte significativo en la superaci&oacute;n de los problemas&nbsp; de&nbsp; lenguaje&nbsp; y&nbsp; como&nbsp; soporte&nbsp; de&nbsp; las&nbsp; actividades&nbsp; de&nbsp; las&nbsp; Escuelas&nbsp; de&nbsp; Lenguaje, proyect&aacute;ndose el desarrollo de diversas versiones que permitir&aacute;n ayudar a m&aacute;s niveles etareos y en m&uacute;ltiples plataformas inform&aacute;ticas.</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>The&nbsp; need&nbsp; to&nbsp; communicate&nbsp; is&nbsp; vital,&nbsp; even&nbsp; more&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; language,&nbsp; without&nbsp; it&nbsp; life&nbsp; is&nbsp; limited&nbsp; and may&nbsp; cause&nbsp; serious&nbsp; problems&nbsp; in&nbsp; understanding&nbsp; and&nbsp; Survival.&nbsp; There&nbsp; isn't&nbsp; currently&nbsp; data&nbsp; tool, suited to the national reality, to assist in the correction of specific disorders of Language. In the search to satisfy the need to correct the problems of language a thorough investigation was conducted,&nbsp; in&nbsp; collaboration&nbsp; with&nbsp; Specialists&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; field&nbsp; of&nbsp; language&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; interaction&nbsp; of children affected, which established a computer ideal alternative.</p><p>During the tests with end users (students in second level of transition, teachers and specialists) was established efficiency Of the multimedia tool and projections of the same as Significant contribution in the overcoming in the problems of language and support The activities of the Language Schools, projecting the Development various versions that will allow help more age levels and in multiples Computing platforms.</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language spa
dc.rights sin documento
Materia dc.subject Educación especial
Materia dc.subject Software
Materia dc.subject Jardines infantiles
Title dc.title Vule Aliun: software multimedia de ayuda en la superación de los trastornos específicos del lenguaje para segundo nivel de transición
Tipo dc.type texto

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