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Reprogramación balanceada de la carga académica para alumnos con sanción de Artículo N° 28

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Morales López, Cristoffer Eduardo
dc.contributor Bozo Parraguez, Jorge Salvador
dc.creator Cordero Barrientos, Sebastián Andrés
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-19T19:19:33Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-19T19:19:33Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-19
Resumen dc.description <p>En&nbsp; este&nbsp; documento&nbsp; se&nbsp; describe&nbsp; el&nbsp; problema&nbsp; que&nbsp; se&nbsp; genera&nbsp; al&nbsp; aplicar&nbsp; el&nbsp; Art&iacute;culo&nbsp; 28&nbsp; del Reglamento&nbsp; General&nbsp; de&nbsp; Estudios,&nbsp; debido&nbsp; al&nbsp; gran&nbsp; n&uacute;mero&nbsp; de&nbsp; variables&nbsp; y&nbsp; restricciones&nbsp; que&nbsp; se deben&nbsp; tener&nbsp; en&nbsp; cuenta&nbsp; para&nbsp; lograr&nbsp; una&nbsp; reprogramaci&oacute;n&nbsp; de&nbsp; las&nbsp; asignaturas&nbsp; por&nbsp; cursar, balanceadas y apropiadas para los alumnos que incurren en esta sanci&oacute;n.</p><p>Para&nbsp; la&nbsp; soluci&oacute;n&nbsp; de&nbsp; este&nbsp; problema,&nbsp; se&nbsp; investig&oacute;,&nbsp; estudi&oacute;,&nbsp; adapt&oacute;&nbsp; e&nbsp; implement&oacute;&nbsp; una&nbsp; soluci&oacute;n inform&aacute;tica,&nbsp; un&nbsp; modelo&nbsp; de&nbsp; programaci&oacute;n&nbsp; lineal&nbsp; con&nbsp; la&nbsp; ayuda&nbsp; de&nbsp; librer&iacute;as,&nbsp; de&nbsp; un&nbsp; software especializado en este tipo de problemas, disponibles para solucionar este tipo de modelos.</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>This&nbsp; document,&nbsp; describe&nbsp; the&nbsp; issues&nbsp; generated&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; application&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; 28&nbsp; Article&nbsp; of&nbsp; the General Studies Regulations, due to the big number of variables and restrictions that must be considered if a balanced and appropriated reprogramming of the pending courses wants to be done, to those students that felt in this sanction.</p><p>For the resolution of this problem, an investigation, study, adaptation and implementation by means of a prototype, were made of a linear programming model with the help of libraries, of specialized software in this kind of problems, available to solve this type of models.</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Ingeniero de Ejecución en Informática
Resumen dc.description <p>En&nbsp; este&nbsp; documento&nbsp; se&nbsp; describe&nbsp; el&nbsp; problema&nbsp; que&nbsp; se&nbsp; genera&nbsp; al&nbsp; aplicar&nbsp; el&nbsp; Art&iacute;culo&nbsp; 28&nbsp; del Reglamento&nbsp; General&nbsp; de&nbsp; Estudios,&nbsp; debido&nbsp; al&nbsp; gran&nbsp; n&uacute;mero&nbsp; de&nbsp; variables&nbsp; y&nbsp; restricciones&nbsp; que&nbsp; se deben&nbsp; tener&nbsp; en&nbsp; cuenta&nbsp; para&nbsp; lograr&nbsp; una&nbsp; reprogramaci&oacute;n&nbsp; de&nbsp; las&nbsp; asignaturas&nbsp; por&nbsp; cursar, balanceadas y apropiadas para los alumnos que incurren en esta sanci&oacute;n.</p><p>Para&nbsp; la&nbsp; soluci&oacute;n&nbsp; de&nbsp; este&nbsp; problema,&nbsp; se&nbsp; investig&oacute;,&nbsp; estudi&oacute;,&nbsp; adapt&oacute;&nbsp; e&nbsp; implement&oacute;&nbsp; una&nbsp; soluci&oacute;n inform&aacute;tica,&nbsp; un&nbsp; modelo&nbsp; de&nbsp; programaci&oacute;n&nbsp; lineal&nbsp; con&nbsp; la&nbsp; ayuda&nbsp; de&nbsp; librer&iacute;as,&nbsp; de&nbsp; un&nbsp; software especializado en este tipo de problemas, disponibles para solucionar este tipo de modelos.</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>This&nbsp; document,&nbsp; describe&nbsp; the&nbsp; issues&nbsp; generated&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; application&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; 28&nbsp; Article&nbsp; of&nbsp; the General Studies Regulations, due to the big number of variables and restrictions that must be considered if a balanced and appropriated reprogramming of the pending courses wants to be done, to those students that felt in this sanction.</p><p>For the resolution of this problem, an investigation, study, adaptation and implementation by means of a prototype, were made of a linear programming model with the help of libraries, of specialized software in this kind of problems, available to solve this type of models.</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language spa
dc.rights sin documento
Materia dc.subject Educación superior
Materia dc.subject REPROGRAMACION
Materia dc.subject MALLA CURRICULAR
Materia dc.subject Software
Materia dc.subject Programación lineal
Title dc.title Reprogramación balanceada de la carga académica para alumnos con sanción de Artículo N° 28
Tipo dc.type texto

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