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Prototipo sistema de inventario y despacho

Repositorio Dspace/Manakin

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dc.contributor Rusu, Cristian Alexandru
dc.creator Toro Valenzuela, Manuel Alejandro
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-19T19:10:22Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-19T19:10:22Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-19
Resumen dc.description <p>El&nbsp; presente&nbsp; documento&nbsp; tiene&nbsp; como&nbsp; finalidad&nbsp; dar&nbsp; a&nbsp; conocer&nbsp; el&nbsp; estudio,&nbsp; an&aacute;lisis,&nbsp; modelado&nbsp; y creaci&oacute;n de un prototipo de sistema de informaci&oacute;n. Dicho prototipo se denomina &ldquo;Sistema de despacho&nbsp; e&nbsp; inventario&rdquo;&nbsp; y&nbsp; fue&nbsp; desarrollado&nbsp; para&nbsp; la&nbsp; empresa&nbsp; Frut&iacute;cola&nbsp; Ramirana&nbsp; Limitada.&nbsp; El proyecto tiene como objetivo mejorar la gesti&oacute;n realizada por parte del &aacute;rea de despacho de la empresa,&nbsp; para&nbsp; lograr&nbsp; este&nbsp; objetivo&nbsp; es&nbsp; necesario&nbsp; estudiar&nbsp; y&nbsp; analizar&nbsp; desde&nbsp; la&nbsp; definici&oacute;n&nbsp; del problema hasta presentar un prototipo de la soluci&oacute;n.</p><p>Durante&nbsp; el&nbsp; proceso&nbsp; de&nbsp; creaci&oacute;n&nbsp; del&nbsp; prototipo&nbsp; es&nbsp; necesario&nbsp; realizar&nbsp; una&nbsp; serie&nbsp; de&nbsp; estudios preliminares,&nbsp; con&nbsp; el&nbsp; fin&nbsp; de&nbsp; asegurar&nbsp; el&nbsp; correcto&nbsp; funcionamiento&nbsp; en&nbsp; las&nbsp; etapas&nbsp; posteriores&nbsp; del proyecto,&nbsp; por&nbsp; lo&nbsp; tanto,&nbsp; en&nbsp; el&nbsp; documento&nbsp; encontrar&aacute;&nbsp; informaci&oacute;n&nbsp; sobre&nbsp; los&nbsp; estudios&nbsp; de factibilidad y an&aacute;lisis de riesgos realizados. Por &uacute;ltimo, en las etapas finales del desarrollo del prototipo&nbsp; se&nbsp; realizaron&nbsp; pruebas&nbsp; de&nbsp; usabilidad&nbsp; para&nbsp; calificar&nbsp; en&nbsp; desempe&ntilde;o&nbsp; de&nbsp; los&nbsp; usuarios&nbsp; y del prototipo terminado.</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>The&nbsp; present&nbsp; report&nbsp; illustrates&nbsp; the&nbsp; study,&nbsp; analysis,&nbsp; modeling,&nbsp; and&nbsp; creation&nbsp; processes&nbsp; of&nbsp; an information&nbsp; system&nbsp; prototype.&nbsp; This&nbsp; prototype&nbsp; is&nbsp; called&nbsp; &ldquo;Sistema&nbsp; de&nbsp; Inventario&nbsp; y&nbsp; Despacho&rdquo; and&nbsp; it&nbsp; has&nbsp; been&nbsp; developed&nbsp; for&nbsp; Frut&iacute;cola&nbsp; Ramirana&nbsp; Ltd.&nbsp; The&nbsp; project&nbsp; aims&nbsp; to&nbsp; improve&nbsp; the activities&nbsp; accomplished&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; company's&nbsp; dispatch&nbsp; area.&nbsp; Therefore,&nbsp; it&nbsp; is&nbsp; necessary&nbsp; to&nbsp; study and analyze the situation beginning with the definition of the problem, to provide a prototype solution.</p><p>During of the prototype creation, it was necessary to develop a series of preliminary studies, in&nbsp; order&nbsp; to&nbsp; prevent&nbsp; errors&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; later&nbsp; stages&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; project.&nbsp; Therefore,&nbsp; the&nbsp; report&nbsp; includes information about the feasibility studies and hazard analysis accomplished. In the later stages of the prototype development, several usability tests were made to qualify users performance and the final prototype.</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Ingeniero de Ejecución en Informática
Resumen dc.description <p>El&nbsp; presente&nbsp; documento&nbsp; tiene&nbsp; como&nbsp; finalidad&nbsp; dar&nbsp; a&nbsp; conocer&nbsp; el&nbsp; estudio,&nbsp; an&aacute;lisis,&nbsp; modelado&nbsp; y creaci&oacute;n de un prototipo de sistema de informaci&oacute;n. Dicho prototipo se denomina &ldquo;Sistema de despacho&nbsp; e&nbsp; inventario&rdquo;&nbsp; y&nbsp; fue&nbsp; desarrollado&nbsp; para&nbsp; la&nbsp; empresa&nbsp; Frut&iacute;cola&nbsp; Ramirana&nbsp; Limitada.&nbsp; El proyecto tiene como objetivo mejorar la gesti&oacute;n realizada por parte del &aacute;rea de despacho de la empresa,&nbsp; para&nbsp; lograr&nbsp; este&nbsp; objetivo&nbsp; es&nbsp; necesario&nbsp; estudiar&nbsp; y&nbsp; analizar&nbsp; desde&nbsp; la&nbsp; definici&oacute;n&nbsp; del problema hasta presentar un prototipo de la soluci&oacute;n.</p><p>Durante&nbsp; el&nbsp; proceso&nbsp; de&nbsp; creaci&oacute;n&nbsp; del&nbsp; prototipo&nbsp; es&nbsp; necesario&nbsp; realizar&nbsp; una&nbsp; serie&nbsp; de&nbsp; estudios preliminares,&nbsp; con&nbsp; el&nbsp; fin&nbsp; de&nbsp; asegurar&nbsp; el&nbsp; correcto&nbsp; funcionamiento&nbsp; en&nbsp; las&nbsp; etapas&nbsp; posteriores&nbsp; del proyecto,&nbsp; por&nbsp; lo&nbsp; tanto,&nbsp; en&nbsp; el&nbsp; documento&nbsp; encontrar&aacute;&nbsp; informaci&oacute;n&nbsp; sobre&nbsp; los&nbsp; estudios&nbsp; de factibilidad y an&aacute;lisis de riesgos realizados. Por &uacute;ltimo, en las etapas finales del desarrollo del prototipo&nbsp; se&nbsp; realizaron&nbsp; pruebas&nbsp; de&nbsp; usabilidad&nbsp; para&nbsp; calificar&nbsp; en&nbsp; desempe&ntilde;o&nbsp; de&nbsp; los&nbsp; usuarios&nbsp; y del prototipo terminado.</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>The&nbsp; present&nbsp; report&nbsp; illustrates&nbsp; the&nbsp; study,&nbsp; analysis,&nbsp; modeling,&nbsp; and&nbsp; creation&nbsp; processes&nbsp; of&nbsp; an information&nbsp; system&nbsp; prototype.&nbsp; This&nbsp; prototype&nbsp; is&nbsp; called&nbsp; &ldquo;Sistema&nbsp; de&nbsp; Inventario&nbsp; y&nbsp; Despacho&rdquo; and&nbsp; it&nbsp; has&nbsp; been&nbsp; developed&nbsp; for&nbsp; Frut&iacute;cola&nbsp; Ramirana&nbsp; Ltd.&nbsp; The&nbsp; project&nbsp; aims&nbsp; to&nbsp; improve&nbsp; the activities&nbsp; accomplished&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; company's&nbsp; dispatch&nbsp; area.&nbsp; Therefore,&nbsp; it&nbsp; is&nbsp; necessary&nbsp; to&nbsp; study and analyze the situation beginning with the definition of the problem, to provide a prototype solution.</p><p>During of the prototype creation, it was necessary to develop a series of preliminary studies, in&nbsp; order&nbsp; to&nbsp; prevent&nbsp; errors&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; later&nbsp; stages&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; project.&nbsp; Therefore,&nbsp; the&nbsp; report&nbsp; includes information about the feasibility studies and hazard analysis accomplished. In the later stages of the prototype development, several usability tests were made to qualify users performance and the final prototype.</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language spa
dc.rights sin documento
Materia dc.subject CONTROL DE PRODUCCION
Materia dc.subject CONTROL DE INVENTARIO
Materia dc.subject Gestión administrativa
Title dc.title Prototipo sistema de inventario y despacho
Tipo dc.type texto

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