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Caracterización oceanográfica de plumas de sedimentos glaciares en pequeñas bahías y fiordos de la Costa de Danco, Península Antártica

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dc.contributor Rodrigo Ramírez, Cristián Ricardo
dc.creator Varas Gómez, Andrés Alberto
Fecha Ingreso 2021-10-13T20:59:59Z
Fecha Disponible 2021-10-13T20:59:59Z
Fecha en Repositorio 2021-10-13
Resumen dc.description <p>En las Expediciones Cient&iacute;ficas Ant&aacute;rticas N&deg; 49 -febrero 2013- y N&deg; 50 -febrero 2014- del Instituto Ant&aacute;rtico Chileno -INACH-, y durante la Primera Expedici&oacute;n de Colombia a la Ant&aacute;rtica -enero-febrero 2015- se llev&oacute; a cabo mediciones de temperatura, salinidad, y turbidez, con un CTD-T SBE 19 Plus V2 y un SBE 25, con sensores de turbidez ECO NTU, los cuales fueron llevados hasta una profundidad de 100 m en aguas interiores de peque&ntilde;as bah&iacute;as y fiordos del lado oeste de la pen&iacute;nsula Ant&aacute;rtica, espec&iacute;ficamente entre la bah&iacute;a Guesalaga -Curtiss Bay- en los 64&deg; S y bah&iacute;a Para&iacute;so -Paradise Harbour- en los 65&deg; S, zona conocida como la costa de Danco. Posteriormente, se elaboraron secciones oceanogr&aacute;ficas con las variables medidas y se analiz&oacute; su relaci&oacute;n con los glaciares del &aacute;rea. Luego, se realiz&oacute; un an&aacute;lisis comparativo con el estado de la marea y las masas de aguas caracter&iacute;sticas de la zona. Todo lo anterior con el fin de comprender algunos elementos del ambiente glaciomarino y procesos asociados a la costa de Danco y, de esta forma, se pretende entregar pistas para la comprensi&oacute;n de la evoluci&oacute;n clim&aacute;tica y oceanogr&aacute;fica de la pen&iacute;nsula Ant&aacute;rtica. Uno de los procesos fundamentales de los ambientes glaciomarinos, es la generaci&oacute;n de plumas de sedimentos que provienen de los glaciares, donde un incremento en la concentraci&oacute;n de part&iacute;culas podr&iacute;a indicar un incremento en el derretimiento de los glaciares. En este trabajo se identificaron tres distintas capas de agua en la zona proximal al glaciar: i- una capa superficial compuesta por aguas fr&iacute;as y relativamente claras, ii- una capa relativamente c&aacute;lida y salobre a nivel subsuperficial que ingresa a la bah&iacute;a o fiordo, desde el estrecho de Gerlache, y iii- una capa turbia y fr&iacute;a en profundidades intermedias originada a partir de la descarga glacial. Adem&aacute;s, se identific&oacute; que las variaciones en el nivel de la marea -llenante o vaciante- es un factor que influye en las caracter&iacute;sticas de la descarga de agua que proviene del glaciar. Los resultados fueron consistentes con el modelo de Domack e Ishman -1993- para la misma zona de estudio, presentando caracter&iacute;sticas similares con respecto a la distribuci&oacute;n de las plumas de sedimentos en la vertical, donde se sostiene que tales plumas son producto del derretimiento glacial. Adem&aacute;s se encontr&oacute;, que las bah&iacute;as m&aacute;s sencillas -que tienen un solo glaciar- presentaron plumas mejor definidas que aquellas m&aacute;s complejas -m&aacute;s de un glaciar-. Finalmente, se considera que la contribuci&oacute;n de sedimentos desde estas peque&ntilde;as bah&iacute;as podr&iacute;a jugar un rol importante en los procesos sedimentarios regionales</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>In the Antarctic Scientific Expedition No. 49 -February 2013- and No. 50 -February 2014- of the Chilean Antarctic Institute -INACH-, and during the first expedition to Antarctica of Colombia -January-February 2015- measurements of temperature, salinity, and turbidity was carried out with a CTD SBE 19-T Plus V2 and SBE 25 with ECO NTU turbidity sensors, which they were lowered to a depth of 100 m in small bays and fjords on the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula, specifically between Guesalaga Bay -Curtiss Bay- at 64&deg; S and Paraiso Bay -Paradise Harbour- at 65&deg; S, an area known as the Danco Coast. Subsequently, oceanographic measured variables sections were prepared and their relationships with proximity to the glaciers in the area were analyzed. Then, a comparative analysis of the state of the tide with the water bodies characteristics of the area were perfomed. All this in order to understand some elements of the glaciomarine environment and their associated processes in the Danco Coast, and thus to provide clues to understand the climatic and oceanographic evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula. One of the fundamental process of the glaciomarine environments, is the generation of sediments plumes originating from glaciers, where an increase in the concentration of particles may indicate an increase in the melting of glaciers. In this work three different layers of water were identified in the area near the glacier: i- a surface layer composed of relatively cold water and clear, ii- a layer relatively warm and salty at subsurface level entering the bay or fjord, from the Straits of Gerlache, and iii- a turbid and colder layer at intermediate depths originated from glacial unloading. In adittion, it was identified that variations in the level of the tide -ebb tide or flood tide- is a factor which influences the characteristics of the discharge of water from the glacier. The results were consistent with the model Domack &amp; Ishman -1993- for the same study area, presenting similar characteristics with respect to the distribution of sediments plumes in the vertical, where it is argued that such feathers are the result of glacial melting. It was also found that the simplest bays -having one glacier- had a better defined than the more complex pen -more than a glacier-. Finally, it is considered that the contribution of sediments from these small bays could play an important role in regional sedimentary processes</p>
Resumen dc.description last modification
Resumen dc.description Oceanógrafo
Resumen dc.description OCEANOGRAFIA
Resumen dc.description <p>En las Expediciones Cient&iacute;ficas Ant&aacute;rticas N&deg; 49 -febrero 2013- y N&deg; 50 -febrero 2014- del Instituto Ant&aacute;rtico Chileno -INACH-, y durante la Primera Expedici&oacute;n de Colombia a la Ant&aacute;rtica -enero-febrero 2015- se llev&oacute; a cabo mediciones de temperatura, salinidad, y turbidez, con un CTD-T SBE 19 Plus V2 y un SBE 25, con sensores de turbidez ECO NTU, los cuales fueron llevados hasta una profundidad de 100 m en aguas interiores de peque&ntilde;as bah&iacute;as y fiordos del lado oeste de la pen&iacute;nsula Ant&aacute;rtica, espec&iacute;ficamente entre la bah&iacute;a Guesalaga -Curtiss Bay- en los 64&deg; S y bah&iacute;a Para&iacute;so -Paradise Harbour- en los 65&deg; S, zona conocida como la costa de Danco. Posteriormente, se elaboraron secciones oceanogr&aacute;ficas con las variables medidas y se analiz&oacute; su relaci&oacute;n con los glaciares del &aacute;rea. Luego, se realiz&oacute; un an&aacute;lisis comparativo con el estado de la marea y las masas de aguas caracter&iacute;sticas de la zona. Todo lo anterior con el fin de comprender algunos elementos del ambiente glaciomarino y procesos asociados a la costa de Danco y, de esta forma, se pretende entregar pistas para la comprensi&oacute;n de la evoluci&oacute;n clim&aacute;tica y oceanogr&aacute;fica de la pen&iacute;nsula Ant&aacute;rtica. Uno de los procesos fundamentales de los ambientes glaciomarinos, es la generaci&oacute;n de plumas de sedimentos que provienen de los glaciares, donde un incremento en la concentraci&oacute;n de part&iacute;culas podr&iacute;a indicar un incremento en el derretimiento de los glaciares. En este trabajo se identificaron tres distintas capas de agua en la zona proximal al glaciar: i- una capa superficial compuesta por aguas fr&iacute;as y relativamente claras, ii- una capa relativamente c&aacute;lida y salobre a nivel subsuperficial que ingresa a la bah&iacute;a o fiordo, desde el estrecho de Gerlache, y iii- una capa turbia y fr&iacute;a en profundidades intermedias originada a partir de la descarga glacial. Adem&aacute;s, se identific&oacute; que las variaciones en el nivel de la marea -llenante o vaciante- es un factor que influye en las caracter&iacute;sticas de la descarga de agua que proviene del glaciar. Los resultados fueron consistentes con el modelo de Domack e Ishman -1993- para la misma zona de estudio, presentando caracter&iacute;sticas similares con respecto a la distribuci&oacute;n de las plumas de sedimentos en la vertical, donde se sostiene que tales plumas son producto del derretimiento glacial. Adem&aacute;s se encontr&oacute;, que las bah&iacute;as m&aacute;s sencillas -que tienen un solo glaciar- presentaron plumas mejor definidas que aquellas m&aacute;s complejas -m&aacute;s de un glaciar-. Finalmente, se considera que la contribuci&oacute;n de sedimentos desde estas peque&ntilde;as bah&iacute;as podr&iacute;a jugar un rol importante en los procesos sedimentarios regionales</p>
Resumen dc.description <p>In the Antarctic Scientific Expedition No. 49 -February 2013- and No. 50 -February 2014- of the Chilean Antarctic Institute -INACH-, and during the first expedition to Antarctica of Colombia -January-February 2015- measurements of temperature, salinity, and turbidity was carried out with a CTD SBE 19-T Plus V2 and SBE 25 with ECO NTU turbidity sensors, which they were lowered to a depth of 100 m in small bays and fjords on the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula, specifically between Guesalaga Bay -Curtiss Bay- at 64&deg; S and Paraiso Bay -Paradise Harbour- at 65&deg; S, an area known as the Danco Coast. Subsequently, oceanographic measured variables sections were prepared and their relationships with proximity to the glaciers in the area were analyzed. Then, a comparative analysis of the state of the tide with the water bodies characteristics of the area were perfomed. All this in order to understand some elements of the glaciomarine environment and their associated processes in the Danco Coast, and thus to provide clues to understand the climatic and oceanographic evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula. One of the fundamental process of the glaciomarine environments, is the generation of sediments plumes originating from glaciers, where an increase in the concentration of particles may indicate an increase in the melting of glaciers. In this work three different layers of water were identified in the area near the glacier: i- a surface layer composed of relatively cold water and clear, ii- a layer relatively warm and salty at subsurface level entering the bay or fjord, from the Straits of Gerlache, and iii- a turbid and colder layer at intermediate depths originated from glacial unloading. In adittion, it was identified that variations in the level of the tide -ebb tide or flood tide- is a factor which influences the characteristics of the discharge of water from the glacier. The results were consistent with the model Domack &amp; Ishman -1993- for the same study area, presenting similar characteristics with respect to the distribution of sediments plumes in the vertical, where it is argued that such feathers are the result of glacial melting. It was also found that the simplest bays -having one glacier- had a better defined than the more complex pen -more than a glacier-. Finally, it is considered that the contribution of sediments from these small bays could play an important role in regional sedimentary processes</p>
Formato dc.format PDF
Lenguaje dc.language spa
dc.rights sin documento
Materia dc.subject Oceanografía
Materia dc.subject Geología submarina
Materia dc.subject MORFOLOGIA OCEANICA
Materia dc.subject BAHIAS
Materia dc.subject FIORDOS
Title dc.title Caracterización oceanográfica de plumas de sedimentos glaciares en pequeñas bahías y fiordos de la Costa de Danco, Península Antártica
Tipo dc.type texto

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